Long Beach, CA Alumnae Chapter

Cheers to 80 Years!

ZTA alumnae gathered for a luncheon at the Long Beach Yacht Club to celebrate the Long Beach chapter’s 80th anniversary on February 11, 2017.

The lively program focused on how everyday life in Long Beach has changed through the decades. Fifty members and guests answered trivia questions and heard fun facts from the city’s history. President Angie Woods shared tidbits like the price of a house in 1937 ($4,000!) and revealed that sheep still roamed the Cal State Long Beach campus in the 1960s.

Past Presidents Linda Ramsay and Sylvia Contreras joined Angie to spotlight chapter activities through the years, ask history-trivia questions and award gift cards for correct answers. Two pots of fresh flowers with “gardens of gift cards” were raffled during the luncheon, helping raise almost $800 for philanthropy and scholarship programs. 

On a more serious note, Dr. Robert Garcia, City of Long Beach mayor, sent a proclamation congratulating ZTA on its anniversary and its public service and philanthropic activities through the years to help special-needs children, the elderly, active military and veterans, and at-risk women and families. (See full proclamation text below.)

Danita Kurtz, president of the Greater Long Beach Alumnae Panhellenic, brought greetings and thanked Zeta Tau Alpha for the role it has played locally in advancing the sorority experience of leadership, community involvement and scholarships, which has enabled thousands of university women to shape rewarding careers and make lifelong friendships.

Representing Zeta Tau Alpha international office, Dolores Gastineau and Barb Chang-Holt commended the Long Beach chapter for innovative programming and the many honors it has received since its founding 80 years ago.

The dining room was decorated in silver and turquoise with accents of magenta to represent the “Think Pink” campaign that promotes breast cancer awareness and education. There were scrapbooks filled with vintage photos and mementos of past events. Champagne-bottle centerpieces echoed the theme of “Cheers to 80 Years!” accompanied by table favors and treats that included chocolates and Camille Beckman lotion.

Kudos to the 80th anniversary committee: Diana Eastman, Michelle Kelch, Barbara Purks, Linda Ramsay and Angela Woods.

City of Long Beach, California PROCLAMATION
Presented to Long Beach Alumnae Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha

Whereas on February 22, 1937, the Long Beach Alumnae Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha was founded to promote personal and professional growth for women, with a commitment to friendship and a better future based on the sisterhood, values and traditions of the past; and

Whereas Long Beach Alumnae Chapter of ZTA has distinguished itself for 80 years and enriched the lives of its members through innovative and award-winning programming that emphasizes leadership, lifelong learning and service to others; and

Whereas Long Beach Alumnae Chapter of ZTA has demonstrated a dedication to academic achievement by providing scholarship assistance to collegiate women in Southern California, playing a pivotal role in forming a Zeta Tau Alpha chapter at California State University Long Beach, and supporting Zetas throughout the region; and

Whereas Long Beach Alumnae Chapter of ZTA has benefitted the community for eight decades through a long-standing commitment to breast cancer education and awareness and participation in a wide range of philanthropic activities to help special-needs children, the elderly, active military and veterans, and at-risk women and families;

Now, therefore be it resolved, I, Mayor Robert Garcia, on behalf of the people of the City of Long Beach do hereby pay honor to and thank the Long Beach Alumnae Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha for their many dedicated years of excellent service and join them in celebrating their 80 year anniversary.

Signed Dr. Robert Garcia, Mayor
February 11, 2017